Help us to help you

Yes, we know it sounds like a bank commercial slogan, but we're desperate. There are two critical issues we need your help with. Without your cooperation the university and it's staff and students are at risk and vulnerable to security threats.

1. Soon all staff and students will be required to use multi-factor authentication to access Microsoft365 applications. You're already using MFA when you do online banking and soon Google will also enforce two-factor authentication for its email users. If you haven't registered for MFA, please do so ASAP.

2. Please upgrade the software on your devices.We see you, those with Windows XP on their PCs who stubbornly refuse to install anything new. We know it's disruptive, but for once you have to follow the herd. Just as in nature the weakest will be caught and if your software and anti-virus are outdated you are an easy target for cyber predators. Rather upgrade your software and stay safe.

Until next month.

Upgrade to Office 365 and Windows 10
Microsoft recently sent out a notification that some versions of Office 2013 and Office 2016 may experience connectivity issues due to the end of support for this software. Read the full article
Why is MFA essential?
Security risks and innovative cyber criminals are nothing new, however, when we work from home, these risks increase expeditiously. The only way we can combat security breaches is by adding extra measures. Read the full article
How to make a screen snip
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and even in the IT environment this is true. How often have you tried to describe a problem you have with your device to an IT technician, struggling to explain it over the phone or in an email. Read the full article
  + What does tech take from us?
  + Google's new project wants to turn you into a hologram
+ Why is cyber security important?
  + eduroam available at Tygerberg
  + New e-waste bins
  + Information Security Awareness Training
  + Hours for hardware support
  + Delay in orders
  + Check your Junk Email folder
+ Wi-Fi during load-shedding
  + Wi-Fi access on campus
  + IT HUB: only by appointment
  + How to edit a PDF in Word
  + Error reporting FAQs
  +To meet or not to meet
  + Teams:better performance
  + Change passwords online

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