Help us to help you
Yes, we know it sounds like a bank commercial slogan, but we're desperate. There are two critical issues we need your help with. Without your cooperation the university and it's staff and students are at risk and vulnerable to security threats.
1. Soon all staff and students will be required to use multi-factor authentication to access Microsoft365 applications. You're already using MFA when you do online banking and soon Google will also enforce two-factor authentication for its email users. If you haven't registered for MFA, please do so ASAP.
2. Please upgrade the software on your devices.We see you, those with Windows XP on their PCs who stubbornly refuse to install anything new. We know it's disruptive, but for once you have to follow the herd. Just as in nature the weakest will be caught and if your software and anti-virus are outdated you are an easy target for cyber predators. Rather upgrade your software and stay safe.
Until next month.