Digital storms

Last month staff mailboxes were flooded with an email which caused what we call an email storm. Although these emails are disruptive, they aren't generally harmful, but can be avoided. We would like to remind you of a few important points to keep in mind when sending email to large groups.

It's also time to reactivate usernames for 2021. You will notice that the fee is substantially more than before, but don't panic – this is only because a fixed internet fee is now included in the annual cost. Instead of your department having to pay for your internet usage throughout the year, you now only pay a once-off amount.

Until next time. Keep safe in the cyber and real world.


Reactivate before 1 April
Network access for staff will expire at the end of March unless you reactivate your username. We suggest that you reactivate yours as soon as possible to ensure uninterrupted access to IT services.
Goodbye Inetkey
Until recently staff and students of Stellenbosch University had to use Inetkey to gain access to the internet. This tool acted both as a security gatekeeper and as a billing system for internet usage.
Getting ready for the POPIA act
The Protection of Personal Information Act goes into full effect on 1 July 2021. To support the University community’s readiness for POPIA, the Division for Information Governance has launched a series of guides and tools
Electronics supply shortage
If you have been waiting for a laptop or other hardware you ordered last year you would undoubtedly noticed that delivery is taking longer than usual. This inconvenience is caused by a worldwide supply shortage of electronics.
- IT HUB: students only
- Careful of Reply All
- Emails to large groups
- Fixed internet fee now
included in username
- Fortinet VPN replaced
by Citrix Gateway
- VPN for Linux
- Microsoft adding text
predictions to Word
- Microsoft's unified
Office app now
available for iPad
- Password change online
- Eduroam replacing
Maties WiFI
- Report junk mail or
phishing in Outlook
- Report an issue
- Hardware support hours
- Outlook public folders
no longer available
- Teams meeting recordings
now saved to OneDrive
and SharePoint
- What are Safe Links?
- Useful info for Teams

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