Cybersecurity: everyone's job

By now you know that all your internet data is being collected, stored and analysed. However, with recent, local database breaches such as the Experian breach, we can also safely assume that personal information, e.g. your employment details, ID number and home address, is currently being sold to hackers on the internet.

It is no longer a question of protecting yourself against a cyber attack and subsequent identity theft, it's a question of how you are going to do it. October is Cybersecurity month and, as always, we will be sharing articles on how to protect yourself. Please also follow our Twitter account for up-to-date news and information.

Until next time.


Change in Adobe licensing
Adobe has changed the licensing model for all their products to a named user license. The new version of Adobe DC which Stellenbosch University has licensed for 2020 is no longer based on serial numbers
Microsoft Teams meeting recordings saved to OneDrive and SharePoint
Microsoft has opted to change the storage for new Teams meeting recordings to be stored on, and served from, OneDrive and SharePoint instead of Microsoft Stream
Public folder availability
after November 2020
From the beginning of December public folders will no longer be a an available functionality for staff. If you are still using public folders to schedule meetings, for example, we recommend that you switch to alternative solutions.
Safe Links: another way IT
protects you from phishing
In January 2020 Information Technology activated a preventative security tool called Safe Links to protect all staff and students from email phishing attempts.

Every individual should own their role in protecting their information and securing their accounts and devices. In this video demonstrates the importance of personal cyber security in a humurous way paying homage to 50s educational films.You will also find many more helpful instructional videos on their YouTube channel.

  Microsoft to use more
secure encryption
  Stay connected
using Teams
A computer can guess
more than
passwords per second
Working from home
lures cybercriminals
Error reporting FAQs
IT HUB: current
operating hours
Hardware support
during lockdown
Be careful what you
say on WhatsApp
Asynchronous working
could offer a different
way of structuring
the working week
New Teams updates
and features
Teams: useful links
Use Outlook's
Report Message add-in
How to mute everyone
in a Teams meeting
Change your password
at home (pdf document)
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are strictly those of the page author(s) and content contributor(s). The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Stellenbosch University. Information Technology does not endorse any of the services or products discussed in this newsletter.