Still here

It's week seven of lockdown, 48 days (give or take) of balancing working from home, home schooling and trying to surviving a pandemic.

Here at IT we've not only been continuing at greatly accelerated pace, some of our staff had to put in extra hours and late nights to ensure platforms and services are up and running, thus enabling staff to work from home and students to have access to classes and learning material. Apart from this we had to arrange for students to have laptops delivered, free data provided and sites zero-rated. We'd say that's quite an accomplishment given our current circumstances.

Although most of our staff and students have been supportive and patient, our support staff are still occasionally met with rudeness and unreasonable demands. Please keep in mind that at the moment we are experiencing the same challenges you are.

Until next time, keep safe.


ZOOM not recommended for meetings
Over the past few weeks we've all had to find new ways of connecting with people. Zoom has become the popular choice for anything from online exercise classes to quizzes
What is MFA?
Security risks and innovative cyber criminals are nothing new, however, when we work from home, these risks increase expeditiously. The only way we can combat security breaches is by adding extra measures, of which MFA is one.
Use of sun email for personal purposes
Recently some of our staff have been caught off-guard by emails from cyber criminals trying to exploit them by threatening to release sensitive video material.
Illegal software on SU devices
Stellenbosch University devices are equipped with the necessary software for our staff to perform their work effectively. When downloading illegal software you put yourself and the University at risk.
  Phishing scam from
a forged email
Official communique
on e-Learning, laptop loans,
data, etc.
  Register for SUNSurveys
  SU Health & Wellbeing
resources and services
  SU education students
take the lead in e-learning
Download Office
Office selfhelp
Software Hub
Working remotely
Privacy and security in
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams:
A guide
Guidance for student
online learning
Changing passwords
from home
SU COVID-19 information
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are strictly those of the page author(s) and content contributor(s). The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Stellenbosch University. Information Technology does not endorse any of the services or products discussed in this newsletter.