Being "green" used to be more trend than necessity, but a more environmentally friendly way of living is inevitable, whether by choice or not (thank you Eskom). IT will be following suit with our new building.
New IT building -
greenest on campus In September the Information Technology division will enter a new era read more]
Protect your equipment against loadshedding By now we're used to the unpredictable nature of our electricity supply, but do we know how to protect our electronic equipment? read more]
VIDYO: videoconferencing for higher education TENET recently announced the arrival of its new video-conferencing service, aimed at fulfilling the conferencing needs of the South African Higher Education and Research communities. read more]
Avoid weak passwords "Even though 75% of users believe they employ safe password practices, only 50% do", says USB's Martin Butler. read more]
Phishing scam disguised as DHL shipping document read more]
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