IT Service Centre: the voices on the other side of the phone

How to manage your 3G usage effectively

We need your assets!

Time to reregister

What is SANReN and will it increase your internet speed?

Hints for internet usage


To begin with ...

If you are reading this e-mail, you are in the fortunate position to have access to Stellenbosch University's network and a range of facilities to ensure that your workday runs smoothly.

However, to fully utilize these facilities, you'll need the necessary information, advice and support.  On that note, we'd like to introduce our brand new newsletter - a short (we'll try ...) and useful (we hope...) electronic email where we'll inform you of the latest developments relating to you as a user and occasionally also some new technologies you might be interested in.

At the same time, we also want to provide a platform to simplify your life. If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to drop us an e-mail. Chances are if you're wondering, someone else has the same question.


Greetings from beyond Merriman
The IT crowd


    [Vir die Afrikaanse weergawe van hierdie nuusbrief, kliek hier.]

IT Service Centre: the voices on the other side of the telephone

You know it by heart - the number you call when suddenly, on a Monday morning, you've forgotten your password or your boss accidentally "deleted" his powerpoint presentation 10 minutes before his meeting. Have you ever wondered who the voices on the other side of the phone are and what keeps the IT Service Centre busy? Read more ...

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How to manage your 3G usage effectively

You have a standard 3G package that's not supposed to cost you an arm and a leg, but suddenly your account reads like a Stephen King novel. Service providers can't ask you more than the amount you've signed up for, or can they? Read more ...

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We want your assets!

Or rather, their numbers. Shortly a new message with the following heading - "Stellenbosch University Annual Asset Registration", will pop up on your computer screen. Don't panic, it's not a virus or cyber criminal trying to take over your pc. Information Technology is currently sourcing information to update the records of Stellenbosch University's assets and to do this properly, we need you to supply us with your computer's correct asset number.

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Time to reregister

It's that time of the year again - time for all users to reregister for network access. To ensure you're not without internet and email at the begining of April, browse to and reregister before 31 March.

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What is SANReN and will it increase your internet speed?

On Friday 3 February IT flipped the switch and changed from Neotel to SANReN. But what does this really mean? Read more ...

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Hints for internet usage

Do you break out in a sweat when you see the notice of your weekly internet in your inbox? If you follow a few guidelines it might ease your panic just a little bit. Click here for your own downloadable pamphlet.

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