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What would we do without Google - in fact, can you imagine your life pre-Google? But did you know that can you use this powerful search engine for more than just looking up random facts?

Also in this week's edition, more on how spam distributors get hold of your e-mail and step by step instructions on how to enroll for our courses online.

Tech greetings, The IT crowd


Wat sou ons tog sonder Google in ons lewens gedoen het - kan jy jouself ooit `n lewe voor Google voorstel? Maar het jy geweet dat jy meer met diƩ kragtige soekenjin kan doen as net lukrake feite opsoek?

In vandag se uitgawe ook meer oor hoe gemorsposverspreiders jou adres in die hande kry en stap-vir-stap instruksies om vir kursusse in te skryf.

Tech-groete, IT

  Previous editions of Bits & Bytes can be found here.| Vorige weergawes van die Bits & Bytes kan hier gelees word.
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Attacked by Rumpelstiltskin?
Oorrompel deur Repelsteeltjie?
What can Google do for YOU today?
Wat kan Google vandag vir JOU doen?
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Password syncing problematic
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E-mail storms
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Enroll for courses
Want to enroll for a course?
Wil jy inskryf vir `n kursus?
Tech news
This week's tech news
Die week se tech-nuus


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